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crappy. 23.8.06

hey folks. i know i promised some ppl to update some stuff. like for instance, to blog some stuff about dr siva for zing's viewing pleasure.. or to reply to the previous comments.

but all i can say is.. CRAP! one day of school totally strips u off all the energy u can possibly have.. after yesterday's nice break, i manage to get some work done and also sufficient rest. and i thought WOW! this is utterly rejuvenating! i can get on my feet and run again!

unfortunately, i realise today that even a short day as wednesdays... you can feel utterly dismayingly tired out. sniffles. and now i am trying to motivate myself to do some work.. every second counts! (so says mrs chin today..)

Well, what happened was that today mrs chin gave us a pep talk during CT session and showed us the analysis of grades, observations and future goals and blah. yea. maybe i didn't really bother because i KNOW all that stuff. putting into action what u know is a whole new ballgame though. but i'm trying. well. will try. so TIME is important now. except. there really isn't time. i know i know. i'm spending time typing this when i could be doing sth else.. FINE. i'll do sth to compensate for this later. but there isn't time because we still have to attend school. lots of time is wasted there.. even though they argue against it.

and if they kept teaching more and more and more. we'll never be able to REVISE wat's being taught now. arghh. ok. whatever. this is starting to get so typically angsty.

oh and btw, yesterday i flipped through my forgotten computer archive of photos. esp those of this year.. well. more specifically the START of the year.. gosh. those were the days. i din think they were all that great then... but. i can only say WOW. it was fun. and things have changed.. but i think some things are also quite rosy.. heh. maybe i shall discuss this another time. (:

-daph (9:06 pm) >>*

K Lunch 10.8.06

i went to kbox for the 2nd time in my life today!! whoo~ -claps- my voice today was pretty good too, which was surprising. but i sadly still cannot sing "shan1 hu2 hai3" properly.

And there was this package called KLunch, they give u lunch (incl. a kind of bento meal and a drink) and 1.5 hours of singing time. It was pretty yummy, truth be told. In fact, i really liked the vege, which actually tasted like preserved jellyfish. (the kind u get at wedding dinners as part of the cold dish?) 1.5 hours is really not much, u seriously don't feel satisfied.. went with fred today. And so, we proved a point that 1.5 hours is not even enough for 2 people, much less a larger crowd. Oh, and it's $9++, which came up to about $11.. Well, i can only say... at least the food was not bad!! ^^

Anyway, being enslaved to the education system here, we dragged ourselves to the Orchard library to do some work. which we did! but it was pretty uncomfortable cos we had no table, we had to do everything on our lap and with our heads bent down. After all that mugging, our necks were aching a whole lot.. gee. Anyway, we both did math. And i still find it amazing how we complement each other in math, even though we're both bad at it. If we were to take a math paper together though, I'm sure we can score real high.

Gah. I realise my recent posts have all been pretty depressing. It's not like i want to be like that though .. I guess I'm so tired that all i think of are sad thoughts. I know it has an ill effect on others and I should try to stop.. eeps. I'll try..

and SH's nick seriously bugs me. the whole countdown is taking a toll on me. (simply because i haven't done anything about it)

-daph (9:59 pm) >>*

kids.. 9.8.06

i went to NTU with fred's PW group yesterday for their interview.. quite interesting, i learnt something new. I realise it's not good to be in a field of work for too long, as u'll just become an ill-informed old fogey. The lecturer did not know that there was such a thing as "Project Work" for A levels now, even though he's in the education sector.. He's a humans and political science lecturer!! I would've thought he was more in the loop of everything in Singapore.. Oh well, i guess i cannot blame him entirely.. maybe the same thing would happen on me.

I believe the problem lies in that people just get too comfortable in their routine that all they ever care about anymore is in their immediate field of knowledge. After all, that's the thing that helps them get the dough. For example, if you've been a hawker/doctor all ur life... u could just become oblivious to other things. A hawker may be in the know of all things food, but nothing else. Likewise, a professional like a doctor could very well be too caught up with the new medicines and treatments that they no longer bother about matters concerning the other fields. blab. i duno if that makes sense, bottomline is: we should never forget to reflect about life and why we choose to do the things we do. We should always spend the time to find out the things we don't HAVE to know, but simply to broaden our knowledge. Basically, to remember to smell the flowers even as we're making our trip to the destinations we've set for ourselves.

On another note, I was in a fairly accomodating mood yesterday i think. Usually, i hate kids. How they scream and bawl. How they scurry around among your legs even though u could step on them any time and get blamed for being callous individuals.

But anyway, a grand total of 3 kids were in my vicinity on the train home.. I actually smiled at them when they stared at me.. i was also being exceptionally patient when they cried. or should i say, screamed.. maybe i just miss the times when i was once this carefree. and nobody would care even if i drooled all over. haha. that's just a random thought i got. ^^ i tried to recall memories from those years, and i could remember none. Maybe that's why they were so carefree, because nothing mattered back then, but the pessimistic way of looking at it is probably that we wasted the time... especially since we can never take anything from then to the next phase of life.. well, not usually anyway..

My temper seems a little fiery lately. i can just get mad anytime. it's better if i keep quiet. which i try to. but i just snapped at my mum. believe me, there's always a good reason, but i just never bother saying it. and then i'll end up feeling so choked up that i'll explode. i wish there was something i could cause bodily harm to.. and a place where i can scream it all out. but no... we're no longer babies.. it'll be irrational and out of place to scream whenever we want.

-daph (9:41 pm) >>*

boo. 5.8.06

ahha. i guess nobody ever bothers reading my blog anymore because i don't update.


many things have happened and i dunno where to start, it's basically inertia, just like the "after-PE-after-break inertia syndrome" Mrs Ong talks about all the time... it's been so long, i don't recall where i left off, and nothing's fresh anymore. You just never want to restart or continue i guess..

enough of that crap. it's been such a busy period, and i expect things to get worse. :S Promos are not too far away at all. It's pretty scary. The coming national day celebrations are about all that we can look forward to now, afterwhich it's a whole spate of cramming and then not long after it'll be judgment day. The question of promotion to JC2 suddenly hits me, i worry... Oh well. I feel sad that i'm not doing well in subjects i like.. I heard that people start to perform really well in year 2. hope that is true.. i'll try to work hard...

I looked through some of those scholarship guides and realised that... i have a limited scope of real passion. I mean, i find most things interesting and engaging, but to hold my attention and to envision myself doing these things all my life... probably not. I would say there are about 3 things i can safely say i would like to do.. but i have grown to realise it really isn't just my own decision.. and I doubt i can get the support i need.. oh well.

-daph (3:06 pm) >>*




Daphne Tan; Singapore; Chinese; 17+; HCI; Buddhist; Aresian; 29031989; emotional; lazy; hungry; dreamer; loves: sleep; food; music; dance; lights; webdsign; Korea!; dislikes: hypocrites; gossips carried too far; stress; preachers; (more? leave a question in the chatbox)




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